Sunday, September 7, 2008


This semester we had a very competitive group of submissions, and we're proud to announce our fall line-up:

One Acts:

On Tilt
Written by: Joe Desoto
Directed by: Joe Desoto

El Encierro
Written by: Chris Shulz
Directed by: Lizzie Zerebko
Assistant Directed by: Mary Overbey

The Difficulties of Being a Half Vampiric Couple
Written by: Erica Sardi
Directed by: Katie Killebrew


Recap: High School
Written by: Michael Luca
Directed by: Sarah Laine Smith

The Humanity of John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
Written by: Ian Crooker
Directed by: Ian Crooker
Assistant Directed by: Jonathan Munoz-Proulx

Full Lengths:

Written by: Bo Rodriguez
Directed by: Bo Rodriguez
Assistant Directed by: Brien O'Laughlin

Among the Sand and Smog
Written by: JP Smith
Directed by: Nathan Singh
Assistant Directed by: Stephanie Spoleti

Thanks to everyone who submitted and interviewed to direct! Like we said, it was really competitive and we hope you'll all submit next semester. We're always looking for that new idea, that wonderful concept, that great play, so keep writing! And congratulations to everyone who was selected! We hope these to be our best shows yet!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dates and Deadlines

September 5th:
Script Submissions are due Friday, September 5th, at 5:00 in the DRC. There will be a cardboard box titled "BNT Submissions Box" placed by the water cooler. You must submit 5 COPIES OF YOUR SCRIPT, and fill out and attach a cover page available next to the box.

Submissions for directing positions are due Friday, September 5th, at 5:00 in the DRC. There will be a separate box titled "BNT Directing Applications" placed by the water cooler. Please fill out the available applications and return them to the box. 

September 7th:
Director selections are intended to be announced on Sunday, September 7th.

September 8th:
Script selections are intended to be announced on Monday, September 8th.

September 10th and 11th:
Auditions will be held Wednesday and Thursday, September 10th and 11th, from 6:00-10:00 pm on the second floor of Taper Hall. Please bring a monologue if you have one prepared. We will also have sides available.

Welcome Back!

As the new semester approaches, all of us at Brand New Theatre are happy to welcome everyone back! The new semester brings with it an exciting opportunity to make these the best BNT shows yet. As submissions and auditions rapidly approach, we are eagerly awaiting what USC students have to offer. Whether you are a fourth year BNT contributor, or a new freshman, we at BNT hope to represent the best and brightest of students here at the University of Southern California. We recognize that our success hinges on all of you and the talent you are so willing to share with us. For that reason, we hope you writers out there do submit your unproduced plays, and all you actors come out for auditions. So welcome back! Now let's have some fun.